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5 Non-Surgical Strategies to Ease Arthritis-Related Hip Pain

5 Non-Surgical Strategies to Ease Arthritis-Related Hip Pain

Hip pain has various causes, one of the most prevalent being osteoarthritis. If you've tried conservative measures like activity modification, medications, and physical therapy without significant relief, joint injections may be a good option.

At Ageless Regenerative Medical, our team offers natural treatments to treat varying forms of arthritis, including in your hip. Dr. Nicholas Sieveking, MD and Jan Stanley, RN, MS, provide state-of-the-art MSK injections and osteopathic manipulation to ease your hip discomfort.

Causes of Hip Arthritis:

Hip arthritis is a condition that leads to irreversible damage in your hip joints. It causes the breakdown of essential protective tissues in your hip joint, often leading to chronic inflammation and pain.

Various types of arthritis affect your hip, including osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Although they're all different, each type of arthritis ultimately destroys essential components in your hip.

Arthritis can affect anyone; the CDC states that more than 58 million people in the United States are living with some form of arthritis. Your risk factors increase with the following circumstances:

Arthritis affects every aspect of your life, including work and home activities. When you catch it early, you're more likely to get relief from non-surgical measures and put off more damage in your hip joint.

Do You Need Surgery?:

Hip pain is severe, but you don't necessarily need surgery to fix the problem. Many other types of treatments are available to you before you consider surgical intervention.

Surgery is highly invasive, especially when it comes to hip replacement surgery. Although it's often effective, surgery isn't the first option because of the risks and prolonged recovery time.

If your pain is enough to be uncomfortable but not when you can't perform simple activities like walking and climbing stairs, you can first try other less invasive treatments to ease your discomfort.

Our team may refer you for a surgical consult if all other conservative treatments have failed to eliminate your pain and your daily activities are effectively severely impacted by your pain or immobility.

Five Effective Non-Surgical Treatments:

Our team's goal is to help you regain function and reduce pain in your hip without surgery. We offer several non-surgical options for long-term pain relief, including the following:

Switching up your exercise routine to include low-impact activities like swimming or biking is another good option for living with hip arthritis.

To get customized treatment for your hip pain, don't hesitate to call our office today. You can also request an appointment online.

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