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Can Poor Posture Lead to Chronic Back Pain?

Can Poor Posture Lead to Chronic Back Pain?

Good posture keeps your body in alignment with your musculoskeletal system to provide stability and efficiency in movement and at rest. Good posture is essential for your health, while bad posture can lead to chronic pain in your neck and back.

At Ageless Regenerative Medical, our team understands the need for posture in your everyday life. Dr. Nicholas Sieveking, MD and Jan Stanley, RN, MS, offer osteopathic manual manipulation to help ease back pain related to spinal misalignment.

What is Bad Posture?:

Posture is how you hold your body while sitting or standing. It describes the alignment of your spine with other parts of your body, like your hips, head, and shoulders.

Just like there's no perfect body, there isn't an ideal type of posture. Everyone is different, meaning they have a specific way of holding their posture for optimal alignment and support.

However, if your spine begins to move out of alignment with your hips, head, and shoulders, you're likely experiencing poor posture. Poor posture stresses your muscles and joints, leading to pain and stiffness.

Bad posture also affects your balance and reduces flexibility in your tendons and ligaments. Although poor posture is typical, it can cause your confidence and appearance problems.

The longer you let poor posture go, the more your body suffers. Several forms of bad posture include kyphosis, forward head, flatback, and swayback.

All of these types of posture can affect your health. You may experience gastrointestinal problems or chronic pain in your neck and back from poor posture.

How Posture Affects Your Back:

Although you may feel pain in other areas when you have poor posture, your spine is the main part of your body that suffers. Over time, poor posture strains your spine's muscles, intervertebral discs, and facet joints.

You must look at your posture if you suffer from chronic back pain and don't recall an injury. Some of the ways poor posture affects your back include:

Even minor problems with your posture can lead to significant issues over time. Holding the correct posture takes much less effort than slumping or hunching over constantly.

Correcting Your Posture for Less Back Pain:

Luckily, you can quickly correct posture with a few simple changes and be constantly aware of how you're holding your body. Dr. Sieveking recommends several tips to improve your posture to decrease your pain, including:

You must also work on your lifting posture to prevent injury to your back. You should never lift with your back; instead, use your legs and core to reduce the strain on your spine.

To find out how to improve your posture for less back pain, call our office today. You can also request an appointment online.

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