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Ageless Regenerative Medical -  - Regenerative Medicine Specialist

Ageless Regenerative Medical

Regenerative Medicine Specialists & Anti-Aging located in Nashville, TN

Uncomfortable or painful abdominal symptoms may indicate irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. IBS symptoms can include bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. Changing your food and way of living can frequently help you control your symptoms. Jan Stanley, RN, and the team at Ageless Regenerative Medicine, led by Nicholas Sieveking, MD, provide a range of cutting-edge therapies to handle your issue. Call the Nashville, Tennessee office now to schedule an appointment, or go online.


What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and how is it related to gut health?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects the large intestine. The exact cause of IBS is not known, but it is believed to be a combination of factors including muscle contractions in the intestine, nerve signals, and changes in gut bacteria.

Symptoms and Treatment

Symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. These symptoms can vary in severity and can come and go.

IBS is a chronic condition, but there are several treatments that can help manage symptoms. These include:

Diet changes: Avoiding foods that trigger symptoms, such as certain types of high-fiber fruits and vegetables, can help manage IBS.

Medications: Antispasmodic medications can help to relieve abdominal pain and discomfort, while laxatives can help with constipation.

Probiotics: These can help to balance the gut bacteria, which may help to reduce symptoms.

Psychological therapies: Stress and anxiety can make IBS worse, so therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help to manage these feelings and reduce symptoms.

It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to develop a treatment plan that is best for you. In some cases, IBS may be caused by underlying medical condition and so it's important to rule that out.

In general, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management can help to reduce symptoms of IBS. With proper management, most people with IBS are able to control their symptoms and lead normal lives.

Stages of Disease Progression

There are no defined stages of disease progression for IBS, as the condition can vary greatly from person to person and can fluctuate over time. Symptoms may be mild or severe and can come and go in episodes. It's important to note that while there are no defined stages, the symptoms of IBS can be managed with proper treatment and lifestyle changes.

What causes IBS to worsen?

There are several factors that can cause IBS symptoms to worsen. Some of the most common include:

Stress: Stress and anxiety can trigger IBS symptoms, as they can affect the muscles in the intestines and disrupt the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut.

Diet: Certain foods can worsen IBS symptoms, such as high-fat foods, spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and gas-producing foods like beans and broccoli.

Hormonal changes: Women may find that their IBS symptoms worsen during their menstrual period, due to the changes in hormones that occur during this time.

Medications: Certain medications, such as antibiotics and antidepressants, can disrupt the balance of bacteria in the gut and worsen IBS symptoms.

Lack of sleep: Not getting enough sleep can worsen symptoms of IBS.

Other medical conditions: Some other medical conditions can worsen IBS symptoms, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, and lactose intolerance.

It's important to note that triggers can vary from person to person and it's important to keep track of what causes the symptoms to worsen in order to manage it better.

Our approach to IBS care

If you or a loved one think you may be suffering from IBS, it is important to schedule a consultation with an experienced Ageless Regenerative Medical Clinician. Our clinical team collaborates with patients to manage the disease. Together we create a customized treatment plan which includes education on positive lifestyle changes, supplements and peptides/IVs. The goal is to reduce and alleviate symptoms and help improve overall gut health. Call today to learn more at 615-678-7784.

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